Friday, July 23, 2010

The itching continues

Well no boot, I have a cast.
I don't love it at all.
I like the colors,
and that's about it.
I begged the doctor to just put me in a boot.
I even said I would pinkie SWEAR I wouldn't walk on it.
He didn't want to pinkie swear.
I am stuck in this for two weeks.
My leg still itches, and I can't itch it.

I did however itch it A LOT while the wrap was off.
That was heaven.

my cast

So do you remember how on Toy Story how Andy signed the bottom shoe, or foot of his toys?

Andrew did...
Does this mean he owns me?!
Oh well..

Its hard to tell in the picture but my foot was turned in a little bit when they put the cast on, and some how it was too big. I could fit my fingers past the knuckles inside. We didn't realize it at the time, and went on our way. That night I had some pain on the top of my leg in the shin area. I just figured it was normal and tried to ignore it. The next day I tried elevating it in different positions, ice pack on the heel, toes, back of the knee and on top. I even tried to stuff an ice pack into the large space between my leg and cast. I decided to just call and see if they had any other tricks I could try. The nurse seemed worried and told me that I needed to come in that day. My wonderful mother basically dropped what she was going to do for that day and come to take me there. (she also had to get a Rx from Walgreen's) So we went and they discussed if they should / should not take the cast off and put on another on. I really didn't care what they did, as long as the pain went away, because frankly I wanted to chop my leg off.

My Second Cast
They decided that the only way to get rid of the pain was to take the cast off. Originally I wanted the pink on the first one to be small like this second one.. the girl just didn't get what I was saying. I decided to go with a color, the first one looked too much like a tube sock. I have no pain from this one and I am enjoying the colors. In fact, I even went out and bought new nail polish just to "go" with the cast, not matching colors, just complementing bright colors. I still have yet to have someone sign the cast but I think Andrew will be the first again,
and I am sure it will be just like the first.
As the days go on I think I am getting better at using the crutches, then I nearly fall. I am not graceful, I never have been. But now I have one foot to stand on and two "sticks" assisting me. It's fairly comical to watch, and a little scary. I am slow, and when I am outside, even hotter. At least it's not winter, and I am not trying to do this on ice.... I know your picturing that now. Your welcome for the smile, or the laugh.
Good night.


  1. 1. You have long skinny toes, mine look like sausages.

    2. I like the 2nd cast much better.

    3. Andrew signing the cast, very clever. But I am pretty sure he doesn't own you.

    4. Remember when I had surgery on both legs at the same time and then again on both feet a year later, at the same time? Even with both legs tied up it wasn't that hard. You are not coordinated.

    5. Funny how you and Adella have so much to talk about. I wonder what she will do when she see's you in a cast.. I wonder if she will freak. Post traumatic stress?

  2. Love the second cast!! Hope things are going well for you!! Hope Andrew is being the best boy friend ever and getting you everything you need!!! Nelyana has painted some pictures for you and we will get those mailed out soon!! Love you hope all is well. Loves and Huggs!!!

  3. Things are going well, only one more week left! Then a boot i think. Andrew is being the best boyfriend ever! He has been pretty awesome about everything! I can't wait to get the pictures from her! We miss you very much!
