Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's official! We have a date!!

After searching a million places online, picking a handful that met our criteria, and then numerous trips to the cities to look at venues ( hold onto your britches here..) we have finally decided on a date AND a place. Shocked the pants right off me I can assure you that! It all happened within minutes. About a week ago i had emailed the coordinator for the venue inquiring about some dates that were available. And as of today had still not heard back from her. A little annoyed i called and asked to whoever i was talking to to just tell me. I got three dates, looked at what worked for us, and picked! Literally all happened within about 10 minutes, which if you know me, is very rare. I hate deciding on things.

Are you ready?

Save this date! Black it out! Don't allow anything else to happen on that day. Ok?

The date is:
Saturday, July 30,2011

The venue: Cinema Ballroom in St. Paul mn! Be there!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A change.

I'm a sap for the tear jerking chick flicks.
Not just for the love story.
But for what it reminds me.

Life is short, and oh so precious.

True Love is stronger than anything, intense and everlasting.

Remember only the good.

I feel like I should watch these types of movies everyday, at least one. So as to remind myself that I should be living in the moment, enjoying every second, and everyone in it. I know.. it sounds so cheesy, and unrealistic. But what else is there? What is the point of having a bad day? What's the point in trying to have more than someone else, to be better then them.

My goal this year is to find good in everyday, and to focus on that. To not say or dwell on the negative thoughts or feelings. To find love in everything.

Life is so very precious and can change in an instant.. And I for one no longer want regrets.