Thursday, March 10, 2011

Running in circles

Today was a good day.
Shopping, lunch and a long long nap.
I loved it.
But mostly I love Meister.
He made the day so wonderful, just being around him.

We have such an amazing relationship. It really helps that we were friends first. (However short the friendship was prior to dating). Being around him makes me happier then I could imagine.
Gross huh?


As always I am constantly working on wedding.

Tonight its Save The Dates.
They look so awesome, and I love that I only have to enter in the addresses and they do everything else.
And I must say, I really am a crafty person. But I think this occasion I may just sit this out. Not completely of course. I have a few little projects that I am working on... but I love, and will love, not having to stress the details of certain things.
a) Flowers, centerpieces, decor. Yes I could do it myself, yes I would enjoy it. AT FIRST. Have you ever made Christmas cards? They are so fun to create and do yourself. For about the first 5. And let me tell you.. when you are sending out over 100.. they lose the novelty and quickly become a chore. Something I really do not want for the wedding.
b) Food. I am so excited I don't have to worry about when something will be ready on time, or how one of my family members is slaving over a hot stove when they should be enjoying the company of the ones they love and cherish the most. Catering really is the answer. For me at least.
c) Music. There WILL be a DJ. I do NOT want to worry what to play next, if people like it, and who will make sure the "first dance" goes well. That is a professionals job. Not mine, or my friends/family. If only My dear buble could show up.
d)Addressing. I HATE it with a passion. And someone else is going to do it for me. And its going to look good.

Also. If I have asked for your address. PLEASE get it to me asap. I need to get these to you.

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