Saturday, March 12, 2011

Roque, Roquer, Al Roquer, Alberto

The first day we had Roque.
We just happened to be walking around the lake with Opie when a girl came up to us asking if she was the one that was at the pet store. Nope, had her a while! She said there was a long haired little boy there, and that he was so sweet!
I had to have him!
Andrew said no right away.. but at this time I was crippled and on crutches and I got my way.
We raced over there, and asked about him.
The stupid place didnt even remember they had him, he was on the side wall of kennels.
And he was on sale.
They said he was ugly.
well they were wrong, he was adorable, and cheap.
They lost out on such a good sale.. because I would have bought him anyway.
So we got a super good deal, and took him home right away.
When we got him we didn't realize he was sick.
Well kinda, he puked on the way home, and drooled for what seemed to be forever.
We thought he wasn't used to being in a car and summed it up to be carsickness.
The poor little guy had kennel cough, and laid around like this for nearly two weeks.
We had to rush him to the vet one night because he wouldn't stop drooling or hacking/puking. I felt so bad for the little guy. We found out that night that he hates needles, and cried the whole time.

He also would hardly eat.

After taking him to the vet, she suggested we wait for a bit, and if he got worse then she would test for kennel cough. Andrew and I tried waiting, but two days later we called her (on our way to Duluth, with the puppies) and told her we are certain kennel cough was what it was. She sent a prescription to the Walgreen's up there (I didn't even know I could get it from there!) and we started him on that right away.
At first it did not go well at all.
And the meds were barely working.
So I called again, and she prescribed something different.
Oh and by this time Opie started coughing too.
The second medicine we gave them smelled like butterscotch and they both loved it. 
Opie would even sit pretty for it. 

She also hated him the moment we brought him home.
But with my persistence and a bit of force I got this picture, and she grew to love him.

So did we.. well Andrew
 And now little Roque is 1! and almost as big as Opie.. although much harrier and cuddly then her, and crazy submissive. But we are working on that.

Look, I KNOW they are "just" dogs, and kids are waaay better and blah blah blah. But right now, I don't have kids. So I am just going to enjoy them, baking them treats, and blogging about them.
 Just think how awesome of a mom I will be!


  1. you and your dang dogs!
    you don't even bake for me.. just saying.

  2. AWWW I remember all of that, some crazy stuff! I love the pictures you put up! majorly adorable!

    Emma do you really want a dog treats??

  3. We can't wait until they have puppies!
