Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 2, 2010 ♥ 8 years

It was such a beautiful day, warm when the sun was out.

 Once again, I had to have Andrew explain things.

 Twins Won!

 After the game we tried to figure out what we wanted to do. Since we ate at the game, we decided food was not next. Instead we went to a park near the cities called "Wirth Park" where we went hiking for an hour or so. Inside Wirth Park is a place called "Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden". Inside we walked around enjoying the fall colors.

 The sign outside the gate of the wild flower gardens, I thought it was hilarious.


but not

While we were in the gardens I got this.

We stopped to sit on the only bench that was in the sun, and chatted about where we should have dinner.
Then he turned to me, and said "I know you have been waiting for this for a long time, I would get down on one knee, but its muddy" , "Will you Marry Me?"

I said yes, of course!

 Beautiful isn't it!

Andrew designed it, and did an amazing job. I love it.
The only problem is, the prongs on the outside that make such a beautiful design on the side rip my gloves at work, and scratch people. Including myself.
Friday I give the ring back to D.J. Bitzan so they can fix that little problem.
It has a slight euro shank band which makes it spin on the finger less.
I love it.

There is no date set.


  1. YAY! Congrats!! I'm excited for you. Really pretty ring! :)

  2. i love the ring he did a great job Congrats.

  3. Thank you! I will also post pictures when the change is done!

  4. Congrats!!!! Gorgeous ring he did a great job on the design....props andrew!!!
