Monday, June 1, 2009

changes changes changes

A week ago (May 20th) I had an interview set up wiht Country Manor Health Campus. I was interviewing for a CNA position where country manor would be paying for the class. I had to wait for the results of the background check before I knew if I got into the class-which if you get into the class you are hired. On Friday I recieved a call from the lady I interviewed with and found out that I got into the class! I am so very excited for this. This is just one step closer to where I want to be. -which is either a Radiology Tech or Ultrasound Tech. When I left US Bank the job that I was going to was only going to be a "stepping stone" to the CNA class. It was something that was going to be very temporary. The hours were more flexible than US Banks. Well I was going to be working and taking the class, and hopefully having some time to spend with family and Andrew. Well now I don't have to worry about work! I was let go from MBP today. At first I was worried about how bills were going to be taken care of, I was never upset about losing the job. In fact I was unhappy with where I was working at the time. Before I worked there I did not know about what went on there and how it was run-I wont go into it on here but there were many things I did not feel right about. So needless to say I was elated when I found out I got the job at Country Manor. I am actually really grateful that I don't have to try to do both. I honestly don't know how Andrew can go to school full time, and get nearly 40 hours at work. He is truly better than I am. Now I can focus on the class and make sure that I pass the test at the end-or else I wont be working there!
So many changes are going on-But all of them are good!


  1. he isnt better than you lol men just handle things different. my husband sometimes will work a 60 hour week and then have two side jobs the same week. and hes fine, tired but fine. men just do htings different. im glad you are at a good place in life now. not being comfortable with things and not really being happy start to drip into the real parts of your life and then its like dominoes. so good for you. im happy for you.

  2. Don't Worry! You will pass the test if you just pay attention! Like you said earlier most of it is common sense! Have fun!
