Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Showering, Opie, and a Tree.

Not an easy thing when you have a cast. I have this great thing called a "Shower Bag".
Saved my life. 
When we went in for a cast, I noticed one of the drawers was marked as such. 
I had to have one.
The nurse just said they would bill my insurance.
Basically there is a hole at the top where you put your foot into.
It some how stretches out around your cast, and tightens around your leg.  
Best invention EVER.
well, as well as the shower chair.
(I just may keep that forever)

The Bag

Apparently you can swim with these?! You just have to let out all the air.
The little black squares are grippers..
It's far too big.. Kinda a "one size fits all" - ADULTS
I think you could fit a small child in there.


 Lately Miss Opie and I have had some time to bond.
And play.
For my dear sister Emma who is freaking out at this point.
The toy is clean.
It was just washed.
(Love you!)

We have spent many hours playing fetch and sleeping.
She has been an awesome little entertainer these few weeks.
Too bad she can't get me things.
We should work on that.
Maybe someday she will be able to make me lunch.


There has been all sorts of construction going on around Lake George.
I have not had a problem with it until today.
You see, there is this tree.
Its HUGE in every sense of the word.
I would say its a good hundred + years old.
They are cutting it down.
It's so sad.
I would love to have petitioned in some way,
anything short of chaining myself to that tree.
But I didn't.
It wouldn't have helped.
Its so old.
We have had to watch it get torn down limb by limb.
There is still the trunk and the branches off to the right.
It should be gone by tomorrow.
It makes me angry and sad all at the same time.

I am not considered a "tree hugger" in any sorts.
I just find it completely frustrating that they cannot work around the TWO FEET that the tree sticks out at the bottom. The TWO FEET that is "in the way" to make a road.
There used to be a road there, before it was torn up. And I think it was just fine.
If any of you have seen the house we live in, you know it is HUGE all by itself.
The tree is like our house stacked on its self  2 1/2 times.

Am I too worked up about this?

I just feel it is wrong to get rid of something that has been around for so long.


  1. You are exactly right, i totally freaked.
    you know me well sista.
    FYI- the other one is at my house still, i'll bring it next week.

    How sad about tree. actully, last time we were at your place i noticed that beautiful tree and told Kevin how much i would love to have a big tree like that one day, how old and amazing it is.
    So, so very sad.
    I would have chained myself to the tree, but I'm a tree hugger like that, that's how us granola's roll.

  2. Well I should have had you come here and chain yourself to that tree. I would have , but I'm a gimp. The tree is gone now. I warned them pull it down. Actually it took them a long long time to get it down. The tree did not go down without a fight. At one point one of ropes snapped an nearly took a guy out. I laughed.
