Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Two days before surgery I went and got a pedicure.
It was heaven.
And she did such a good job! I love how they look.
The day of surgery they wanted me to remove it. But with the doctors permission I kept it!
Little did I remember or realize they would slather my pretty little toes in iodine.
The white turned yellow and looked awful.
I just took the paint off today,
and honestly I was a little sad.
Andrew says I can get them done again...
we shall see!

Left foot.. not cut up yet..
Little yellow looking too...

Right foot.

Lovely isn't it?
I have this beautiful wrap until tomorrow at 8:30.
We get to see what the incision looks like.
I think Andrew is more excited than I am.

I pray they don't put a cast on.
Now a boot, I can handle that.
A boot you can take off to shower, itch and shave.
Cast, not so much.

After tomorrow we may know when the next surgery is.
Or we have to wait another week or two.
I hope not
It's boring here
Well when Andrew is at work and no one is here.
I think even Miss Opie is bored with me.
She wants to go for walks, and well that can't really happen when its just me.
Today she brought her leash into every room I was in. She has never done that before. At first it was really cute, but then I felt really bad. She wants so badly to run around, but lazy ol' me is holding her back.
No wonder she loves Andrew a bit more than me.

My foot itches and I can't itch it.
I may go crazy.

1 comment:

  1. I would love any advice she could give.

    We miss you.
