Saturday, January 15, 2011

A change.

I'm a sap for the tear jerking chick flicks.
Not just for the love story.
But for what it reminds me.

Life is short, and oh so precious.

True Love is stronger than anything, intense and everlasting.

Remember only the good.

I feel like I should watch these types of movies everyday, at least one. So as to remind myself that I should be living in the moment, enjoying every second, and everyone in it. I know.. it sounds so cheesy, and unrealistic. But what else is there? What is the point of having a bad day? What's the point in trying to have more than someone else, to be better then them.

My goal this year is to find good in everyday, and to focus on that. To not say or dwell on the negative thoughts or feelings. To find love in everything.

Life is so very precious and can change in an instant.. And I for one no longer want regrets.


  1. I'm going to get all preachy so brace yourself.

    Part of living a life with someone is being one with out loosing yourself as an individual, making yourself better & helping him to become better. You are better because you have the other person by your side but at the same time being true to your self. Being honest with one another & understanding & open to change. These things take time, a lifetime.

    With that said. I am grateful for a love that will last for an eternity & has meaning & purpose, far more then what is obtainable here on earth, a love that will TRULY last forever if worthy of so, because He promises us that. That kind of love is far better then what you see in the movies.

    I hope that for you one day too.

  2. It will be. I think the post was more towards everyone in general too :)
