Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My whole heart for my whole life

Four months and eighteen hours until one of the greatest days of my life. And things are going great!

We have a florist, no a GREAT florist for many reasons. 1-They are right down the alley fro the Ballroom. 2- She is creative and really easy to work with. 3- I got what I want at a really reasonable price.

We have a caterer, the food is not all picked out.. but we loved what we tried.

My flower girl and nieces dresses are here, and oh so adorable!

My shadow band is done and paid for, and looks great with my ring!

We have a Photographer, who is amazing.

We have almost decided on a DJ.

I'm not as stressed out as I used to be. I would stay up thinking about everything I have to get done, and how much money it would take and how/when I was going to accomplish all of this. And now I sleep like a baby.
Don't get me wrong, we still have a lot to do, its just not as daunting.

I can't wait to see all the people we both love in one big room sharing our day with us!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Roque, Roquer, Al Roquer, Alberto

The first day we had Roque.
We just happened to be walking around the lake with Opie when a girl came up to us asking if she was the one that was at the pet store. Nope, had her a while! She said there was a long haired little boy there, and that he was so sweet!
I had to have him!
Andrew said no right away.. but at this time I was crippled and on crutches and I got my way.
We raced over there, and asked about him.
The stupid place didnt even remember they had him, he was on the side wall of kennels.
And he was on sale.
They said he was ugly.
well they were wrong, he was adorable, and cheap.
They lost out on such a good sale.. because I would have bought him anyway.
So we got a super good deal, and took him home right away.
When we got him we didn't realize he was sick.
Well kinda, he puked on the way home, and drooled for what seemed to be forever.
We thought he wasn't used to being in a car and summed it up to be carsickness.
The poor little guy had kennel cough, and laid around like this for nearly two weeks.
We had to rush him to the vet one night because he wouldn't stop drooling or hacking/puking. I felt so bad for the little guy. We found out that night that he hates needles, and cried the whole time.

He also would hardly eat.

After taking him to the vet, she suggested we wait for a bit, and if he got worse then she would test for kennel cough. Andrew and I tried waiting, but two days later we called her (on our way to Duluth, with the puppies) and told her we are certain kennel cough was what it was. She sent a prescription to the Walgreen's up there (I didn't even know I could get it from there!) and we started him on that right away.
At first it did not go well at all.
And the meds were barely working.
So I called again, and she prescribed something different.
Oh and by this time Opie started coughing too.
The second medicine we gave them smelled like butterscotch and they both loved it. 
Opie would even sit pretty for it. 

She also hated him the moment we brought him home.
But with my persistence and a bit of force I got this picture, and she grew to love him.

So did we.. well Andrew
 And now little Roque is 1! and almost as big as Opie.. although much harrier and cuddly then her, and crazy submissive. But we are working on that.

Look, I KNOW they are "just" dogs, and kids are waaay better and blah blah blah. But right now, I don't have kids. So I am just going to enjoy them, baking them treats, and blogging about them.
 Just think how awesome of a mom I will be!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Beautiful morning, sad day

I will be the first to tell you that I hate winter. I only enjoy it from when it starts, until just after New Years. After that it can go away. But here in Minnesota it likes to stay nearly year round. I hate the cold, I hate the ice, I hate the sand and snow that get into my car. I hate how my car gets dirty so freaking fast.
At this time of the year there is very few things I can say I like. Sledding-which only happens once in a while, if not just once. My very pretty hats and scarves. And this...

I loved my drive home this morning. It was so beautiful. I wish I would have been able to capture the sunrise, but it was a bit cloudy in Milaca. I absolutely love the frost on trees, it makes everything look so clean and peaceful , and definitely put me in a good mood on the long drive home despite the horrific things happening in Japan and all over the different coasts. I could not even begin to imagine what it would be like to have your world shaken down around you, then to have it washed away. Such sadness and pain. The anticipation of what is to come has got to be the worst. Not knowing when and if a tsunami will hit.. one of the scariest things. I just hope that through all this people will pull together and realize there is much more to life then fancy things, and status and that its about family, friends and enjoying life as much as possible.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Running in circles

Today was a good day.
Shopping, lunch and a long long nap.
I loved it.
But mostly I love Meister.
He made the day so wonderful, just being around him.

We have such an amazing relationship. It really helps that we were friends first. (However short the friendship was prior to dating). Being around him makes me happier then I could imagine.
Gross huh?


As always I am constantly working on wedding.

Tonight its Save The Dates.
They look so awesome, and I love that I only have to enter in the addresses and they do everything else.
And I must say, I really am a crafty person. But I think this occasion I may just sit this out. Not completely of course. I have a few little projects that I am working on... but I love, and will love, not having to stress the details of certain things.
a) Flowers, centerpieces, decor. Yes I could do it myself, yes I would enjoy it. AT FIRST. Have you ever made Christmas cards? They are so fun to create and do yourself. For about the first 5. And let me tell you.. when you are sending out over 100.. they lose the novelty and quickly become a chore. Something I really do not want for the wedding.
b) Food. I am so excited I don't have to worry about when something will be ready on time, or how one of my family members is slaving over a hot stove when they should be enjoying the company of the ones they love and cherish the most. Catering really is the answer. For me at least.
c) Music. There WILL be a DJ. I do NOT want to worry what to play next, if people like it, and who will make sure the "first dance" goes well. That is a professionals job. Not mine, or my friends/family. If only My dear buble could show up.
d)Addressing. I HATE it with a passion. And someone else is going to do it for me. And its going to look good.

Also. If I have asked for your address. PLEASE get it to me asap. I need to get these to you.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My darling, you look wonderful tonight.

I don't like it. One bit.

I feel like it has consumed my life.
I don't want to make decisions. I want them to be made for me!
Only 4 Months 21 Days and 23 Hours before I become Mrs. Meister.


Enough about that.


Today I woke up at 2:00 pm. Late, I know. But when you have worked an overnight like I had, and then not been able to fall asleep until 9, that's a bit too early.
Why may you ask did I wake up that early?

To take these two darlings sledding. Not a picture from today (because I am a bad auntie) but they looked about the same. Adella was not, and has not been a fan of sledding. Yet. She only went down with me once, while saying the whole time "no, no, no, no". Did I listen? Nope! She liked it a little I am sure.
 We had picked up Andrew's little brother Matthew up from school and brought him along. I tell you, best idea ever. Andrina is one active little girl, and I was so tired, that well Matthew was heaven sent! They ran up and down that hill more than I wanted to count. Of course we took Roque and Opie with us, and Andrina chased after them to her hearts content. We found the dogs LOVE snowballs, and after getting them would carry them off to be torn apart. I loved watching that.

After they played to their hearts content we headed back to Grandma B's house for some hot cocoa. YUM. I swear, it can come out of a canister, packet or what have you... my mother makes some good cocoa. You should try her home made stuff. She is amazing.

I really love those girls. I love being around them as much as I can, and I can't wait for little Axel to join the fun! The downside, being around them makes me miss my other nieces (Nelyana, Zaniyah, and Annabelle) so much more. I think they should all move here, we can live on the property dad has for us, we can call it "Braman Row" and be able to see each other all the time. And of course, live happily ever after.
It sounds good to me.

I shouldn't be awake right now.
It's 3:15 am.

Good Grief.
Good Night.